Check up BPM

BPM checkup is one of the group services of business process management consulting by which your organization status from the viewpoint of process management, pre-requisite, reliable points gaps, and shortcomings, the current status of technical software and BPMS status or the other process software will be evaluated, your mistakes will be identified and the requisite solutions will be presented to process management for the following:

Conducting this checkup is recommended in the following conditions:

  • Prior to the process management project
  • Prior to holding the educational course in the process management area
  • Prior to holding the educational course and a short time before the process management commencing
  • During the process management implementation to evaluate the team function and process management project

In fact, it’s possible that so far the organizations have taken some measures; however, haven’t obtained the expected results. Process management checkup has evaluated its previous problems and can be very useful to solve these problems and improve to obtain the maximum benefits from BPM merits.

The minimum time for a BPM checkup is one day and the maximum is two days.

Some aspects of this checkup:

  • Measuring the capabilities, capacities, strong and weak points of process management product unit
  • Measuring what we own and the potential capacities of the organization in the process management area.
  • Evaluating the organization current documentaries that are useful in establishing the process management
  • Assessing the capabilities, capacities, strong and weak points of its unit to participate in process management project
  • Evaluating the principals and organization body from the knowledge and cultural point of view in the process management area

Eventually, this checkup is a report of requisite and suitable measures to commence well or fast efficient move in the process management area. The master plan of establishing process management based on the current status and organization’s ideal in process management is the other term of this report.

Interestingly, implementing BPM checkups even before holding educational courses has caused strong and weak points of the organization to be identified in various process management; as a result, educational courses, doing the project, and even up-coming consulting are conducted based on these strong and weak points.

More interestingly, these organizations can be more successful in implementing process management project in comparison with the others.


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